User:Mjb/Winamp & SHOUTcast

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I was looking into offering a low-bitrate MP3 version of an audio stream by connecting to it as a client, transcoding it, and feeding it to another server.

I didn't get very far in my research, but did find several options for grabbing a stream to a file on Unix:

mpg123 -b 4096 -s streamURL > out.mp3
gnetcat -l -p 8081 streamIP streamPort | lame --mp3input -b 64 - out.mp3
mpg123 -b 4096 -s streamURL | lame --mp3input -b 64 - out.mp3

And then there was also fIcy: an icecast/shoutcast stream grabber suite.

I don't remember if I tried any of these. The idea though was that if I could send the data to a file, the file could actually be a named pipe into icecast or something. However it didn't occur to me that I'd probably lose the protocol data (stream info and song titles). So it was starting to look like the only real option was going to be streamTranscoder, last updated in 2004.