User:Mjb/FreeBSD on BeagleBone Black/Additional software

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This is a continuation of my FreeBSD on BeagleBone Black notes. Any questions/comments, email me directly at root (at)


Install nano

I prefer to use a 'visual' text editor with familiar command keys, multi-line cut & paste, and regex search & replace. I never got the hang of the classic editor vi, I find emacs too complicated, and ee is too limited. I used pico for many years, and now use nano, which is essentially a pico clone with more features.

Pretty much anytime I run portmaster to install or upgrade something, I actually run portmaster -D so it doesn't prompt me at the end about keeping the distfiles.
  • portmaster editors/nano

See my nano configuration files document for configuration info.

Install Perl libwww

I like to use the HEAD and GET commands from time to time, to diagnose HTTP problems. These are part of Perl's libwww module, which is installed by other ports like Spamassassin. Those commands are nice to have anyway, so I like to install them right away:

  • portmaster www/p5-libwww

This will install a bunch of other Perl modules as dependencies.

Build 'locate' database

Why wait for this to run on Sunday night? Do it now so the locate command will work:

  • /etc/periodic/weekly/310.locate

Replacement services

Install OpenNTPD

Instead of the stock ntpd, I prefer OpenNTPD because it's slightly easier to configure and will be safer to update. (I also was perhaps a bit overly paranoid about the stock ntpd's requirement of always listening to UDP port 123.)

  • portmaster net/openntpd
  • In /etc/rc.conf:

If you like, you can use /usr/local/etc/ntpd.conf as-is; it just says to use a random selection from, and to not listen on port 123 (it'll use random, temporary high-numbered ports instead).

Logging is same as for the stock ntpd.

  • service ntpd stop (obviously not necessary if you weren't running the stock ntpd before)
  • service openntpd start

You can tail the log to see what it's doing. You should see messages about valid and invalid peers, something like this:

ntp engine ready
set local clock to Mon Feb 17 11:44:06 MST 2014 (offset 0.002539s)
peer x.x.x.x now valid
adjusting local clock by -0.046633s

Because of the issues with Unbound needing accurate time before it can resolve anything, I am going to experiment with putting's IP address in /etc/hosts as the local alias 'timenistgov':


...and then have that be the first server checked in /usr/local/etc/ntpd.conf:

server timenistgov

The hope is that the IP address will suffice when DNS is failing!

Later, I can set up a script to try to keep the timenistgov entry in /etc/hosts up-to-date. Of course, this will not help if they ever change the IP address while the BBB is offline.

Install OpenSMTPD

The snapshots for the BBB come with the Sendmail daemon disabled in /etc/rc.conf, so immediately some emails (from root to root) start plugging up the queue, as you can see in /var/log/maillog.

This is what's in /etc/rc.conf:


Something interesting: from the messages in /var/log/maillog about missing /etc/mail/certs, it looks like the client supports STARTTLS without having to be custom-built with SASL2 like I had to do in FreeBSD 8. Not sure what's up with that.

Rather than enabling Sendmail, I am going to try OpenSMTPD now.

  • portmaster mail/opensmtpd – also installs various dependencies, including OpenSSL
  • echo smtpd_enable="YES" >> /etc/rc.conf
  • cp /usr/local/etc/mail/smtpd.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/mail/smtpd.conf

Edit smtpd.conf to your liking. You probably want the following, at the very least (and replace with your domain, or comment out that line if you're not accepting mail from outside the BBB):

# This is the smtpd server system-wide configuration file.
# See smtpd.conf(5) for more information.

# To accept external mail, replace with: listen on all
listen on
listen on ::1

# If you edit the file, you have to run "smtpctl update table aliases"
table aliases file:/usr/local/etc/mail/aliases

# If 'from local' is omitted, it is assumed
accept from any for domain "" alias <aliases> deliver to mbox
accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to mbox
accept for any relay

Then start the service:

  • service smtpd start

OpenSMTPD problems

The service first runs smtpd -n to do a sanity check on the smtpd.conf file. I noticed two problems with this:

1. If hostname returns a non-FQDN which is not resolvable (e.g. the default, "beaglebone", and this name is not mentioned in /etc/hosts), then smtpd may fail at first with a strange error message:

Performing sanity check on smtpd configuration:
invalid hostname: getaddrinfo() failed: hostname nor servname provided, or not known
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/smtpd: WARNING: failed precmd routine for smtpd

To work around this, make sure the result of running hostname is a FQDN like "", which requires modifying the hostname line in /etc/rc.conf, or just add the unqualified hostname as another alias for localhost in /etc/hosts, which is a good idea to do anyway.

2. smtpd consumes all available memory for over 20 minutes if I leave the table aliases line in the config. It eventually works, but not until after other essential services have failed due to the memory churn. This issue is also affecting runs of makemap and the nightly run of smtpdctl by /etc/periodic/daily/500.queuerun. For the latter, I get numerous "swap_pager_getswapspace(16): failed" messages interspersed with "pid 41060 (smtpctl), uid 0, was killed: out of swap space".

In late October 2015, I reported both issues:

  • re: issue 1, added comments to a bug report of similar behavior on a Raspberry Pi 2
  • re: issue 2, submitted a new bug report

Install MySQL

  • portmaster databases/mysql56-server

This will install mysql56-client, cmake, perl, and libedit. cmake has many dependencies, including Python (py-sphinx), curl, expat, jsoncpp, and libarchive. Depending on whether you've got Perl and Python already (and up-to-date), this will take roughly 3 to 6 hours.

MySQL is a bit of a RAM hog. On a lightly loaded system, it should do OK, though. Just make sure you have swap space!

Secure and start it

Ensure the server won't be accessible to the outside world, enable it, and start it up:

  • echo '[mysqld]\nbind-address=' > /var/db/mysql/my.cnf
  • echo 'mysql_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
  • service mysql-server start – this may take a minute, as it will have to use a little bit of swap.

If you are not restoring data from a backup (see next subsection), do the following to delete the test databases and set the passwords (yes, plural!) for the root account:

  • Refer to Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts.
  • mysql -uroot
    • DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test';
    • DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test\_%';
    • SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('foo'); – change foo to the actual password you want
    • SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'' = PASSWORD('foo'); – use the same password
    • SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'::1' = PASSWORD('foo'); – use the same password
    • SELECT User, Host, Password FROM mysql.user WHERE user='root'; – see what other hosts have an empty root password, and either set a password or delete those rows. For example: DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE Host='localhost.localdomain';
    • \q
  • mysqladmin -uroot -pfoo – This is to make sure the password works and mysqld is alive.

(If you were to just do mysqladmin password foo, it would only set the password for 'root'@'localhost'.)

Restore data from backup

On my other server, every day, I ran a script to create a backup of my MySQL databases. To mirror the data here, I can copy the resulting .sql file (bzip2'd), which can be piped right into the client on this machine to populate the database here:

  • bzcat mysql-backup-20151022.sql.bz2 | mysql -uroot -pfoofoo is the root password, of course

The backed up data includes the mysql.db and mysql.user tables, thus includes all databases and account & password data from the other server. Obviously there is some risk if the other server has insecure accounts and test databases.

After loading from backup, I recommend also performing any housekeeping needed to ensure the tables are compatible with this server:

  • mysql_upgrade -pfoo --force
  • service mysql-server restart

Install nginx

I'm a longtime Apache httpd administrator (even co-ran for a while) but am going to see if nginx will work just as well for what I need:

  • HTTPS with SNI (virtual host) and HSTS header support
  • URL rewriting and aliasing
  • PHP (to support MediaWiki)
  • basic authentication
  • server-parsed HTML (for timestamp comments, syntax coloring)
  • fancy directory indexes (custom comments, but I can live without)

Let's get started:

  • portmaster -D www/nginx – installs PCRE as well
    • Modules I also enabled: HTTP_FANCYINDEX
  • echo 'nginx_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

Try it out:

  • service nginx start
  • Visit your IP address in a browser (just via regular HTTP). You should get a "Welcome to nginx!" page.

Immediately I'm struck by how lightweight it is: processes under 14 MB instead of Apache's ~90 MB.

Enable HTTPS service

Prep for HTTPS support (if you haven't already done this):

  • Put your private key (.key) and cert (.crt or .pem) somewhere.
  • Create a 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group: openssl dhparam -out /etc/ssl/dhparams.pem 2048

Enable HTTPS support by putting this in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf for each HTTPS server:

    server {
        listen       443 ssl;
        server_name  localhost;
        root   /usr/local/www/nginx;

        ssl_certificate      /path/to/your/cert;
        ssl_certificate_key  /path/to/your/server_key;
        ssl_session_cache    shared:SSL:1m;
        ssl_session_timeout  5m;
        ssl_protocols TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
        ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/dhparams.pem;

        add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;" always;
        gzip off;

        location / {
            index  index.html index.htm;

This config includes HSTS support; "perfect" forward secrecy (PFS); and mitigation of the POODLE, CRIME, BEAST, and BREACH attacks. (CRIME attack mitigation is assumed because OpenSSL is built without zlib compression capability by default now.)

If you like, you can redirect HTTP to HTTPS:

    server {
        listen 80;
        server_name localhost;
        root /usr/local/www/nginx;
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
  • service nginx reload
  • Check the site again, but this time via HTTPS. Once you verify it's working, you can tweak the config as you like.

Handle temporarily offline sites

If a website needs to be taken down temporarily, e.g. for website backups, you can configure nginx to respond with a HTTP code 503 ("service temporarily unavailable") any time your backup script creates a file named ".offline" in the document root:

        location / {
            if (-f '$document_root/.offline') {
               return 503;

The backup script needs to remove the file when it's done, of course.

Alternatively, you can customize the 503 response page. Just make sure a sub-request for that custom page won't be caught by the "if":

        location /.website_offline.html {

        location / {
            if (-f '$document_root/.offline') {
               error_page 503 /.website_offline.html;
               return 503;

Install PHP

  • portmaster lang/php56

For use via nginx, make sure the FPM option is checked (it is by default). FPM is a FastCGI Process Manager. It runs a server on localhost port 9000 which handles, via a binary protocol, the launching of PHP processes as if they were CGI scripts.

Configure nginx to use PHP FPM

  • echo 'php_fpm_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
  • service php-fpm start

Add to /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

        location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$) {
            root /usr/local/www/nginx;
            fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
            fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)$;
            if (!-f $document_root$fastcgi_script_name) {
                return 404;
            fastcgi_index  index.php;
            include        fastcgi_params;
  • service nginx reload
  • echo '<?php var_export($_SERVER)?>' > /usr/local/www/nginx/test.php
  • echo '<?php echo phpinfo(); ?>' > /usr/local/www/nginx/phpinfo.php
  • In your browser, visit /test.php/foo/bar.php?v=1 and /phpinfo.php ... when confirmed working, move the test files to somewhere not publicly accessible.

Periodically delete expired PHP session data

If you run PHP-based websites for a while, you probably notice session data tends to get left behind. This is because PHP defaults to storing session data in /tmp or /var/tmp, and has a 1 in 1000 chance of running a garbage collector upon the creation of a new session. The garbage collector will expire ones that are more than php.ini's session.gc_maxlifetime (24 minutes by default). You can increase the probability of it running, but you still must wait for a new session to be created, so it's really only useful for sites which get a new session created every 24 minutes or less. Otherwise, you're better off (IMHO) just running a script to clean out the stale session files. So I use the script below, invoked from root's crontab every 20 minutes:

echo "Deleting the following stale sess_* files:"
find /tmp /var/tmp -type f -name sess_\* -cmin +$(echo `/usr/local/bin/php -i | grep session.gc_maxlifetime | cut -d " " -f 3` / 60 | bc)
find /tmp /var/tmp -type f -name sess_\* -cmin +$(echo `/usr/local/bin/php -i | grep session.gc_maxlifetime | cut -d " " -f 3` / 60 | bc) -delete

Of course you can store session data in a database if you want, and the stale file problem is avoided altogether. But then that's just one more thing that can break.

Here's what I put in root's crontab, via crontab -e:

# every hour, clear out the PHP session cache
10 * * * *  /usr/local/adm/clean_up_php_sessions > /dev/null 2>&1

Install MediaWiki

  • unalias ls; unsetenv CLICOLOR_FORCE – see below.
  • portmaster www/mediawiki125 – or whatever the latest version is.

In the 'make config' step, only enable MySQL and xCache. Disable sockets; that feature is only used by memcached. Don't use pecl-APC because last I checked, you can't use it with PHP 5.6.

Other dependencies which will be installed: php56-zlib, php56-iconv, libiconv, php56-mbstring, oniguruma4, php56-mysql, php56-json, php56-readline, php56-hash, php56-ctype, php56-dom, php56-xml, php56-xmlreader, php56-session, and www/xcache.

The build of oniguruma4 will fail if 'ls' is configured to produce color output, hence the unalias & unsetenv commands. See my .cshrc for more info.

  • service php-fpm reload
  • cp /usr/local/share/examples/xcache/xcache.ini /usr/local/etc/php
  • Edit /usr/local/etc/php/xcache.ini and set xcache.admin.user and xcache.admin.pass. Consider adding a password hint as a comment. Also consider dropping xcache.size down to something smaller than the default of 60M, maybe 16M to start.

I already have the database set up (restored from a backup of another installation), so instead of doing the in-place web install, I'll just copy my config, images and extensions from my other installation:

  • scp -pr 'otherhost:/usr/local/www/mediawiki/{AdminSettings.php,LocalSettings.php,images,extensions}' /usr/local/www/mediawiki
  • Adjust nginx.conf appropriately (replacing my previous "location /" block):
        location / {
            index  index.php;
            rewrite ^/?wiki(/.*)?$ /index.php?title=$1 last;
            rewrite ^/*$ /index.php last;

This config supports short URLs like /wiki/articlename.

  • Also in nginx.conf, replace root /usr/local/www/nginx; with root /usr/local/www/mediawiki;.
  • service nginx reload

Test it!

Install rsync

  • portmaster net/rsync

Install procmail

  • portmaster mail/procmail

Install mutt

Mutt is an email client with an interface familiar to Elm users.

  • portmaster mail/mutt

Additional options I enabled: SIDEBAR_PATCH. Options I disabled: HTML, IDN, SASL, XML. These dependencies will be installed: db5, mime-support.

Install tt-rss

Tiny Tiny RSS is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. You can use its own web-based feed reader or an external client like Tiny Reader for iOS.

  • portmaster www/tt-rss

Options I disabled: GD (no need for generating QR codes). These dependencies will be installed: php56-mysqli, php56-pcntl, php56-curl, php56-xmlrpc, php56-posix.

If you intend to have FEED_CRYPT_KEY defined in the tt-rss config, install php56-mcrypt:

  • unalias ls && unsetenv CLICOLOR_FORCE – This is so libmcrypt 'configure' won't choke on colorized 'ls' output.
  • portmaster security/php56-mcrypt – This will also install libmcrypt and libltdl.

If it were a new installation, I'd have to create the database, source cat /usr/local/www/tt-rss/schema/ttrss_schema_mysql.sql | mysql -uroot -pfoo to set up the tables, and then edit /usr/local/www/tt-rss/config.php. But since I already have the database, this is essentially an upgrade, so I need to treat it as such:

  • echo 'ttrssd_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf.
  • Add an entry for /var/log/ttrssd.log in /etc/newsyslog.conf In 2014, I had trouble getting log rotation to work; I think ttrssd must be shut down during the rotation. Is this fixed?
  • Install the clean-greader theme:
  • cd /usr/local/www/tt-rss
  • Edit config.php as needed to replicate my old config, but be sure to set SINGLE_USER_MODE in it.

Regardless of whether upgrading or installing anew, make sure to set up nginx as needed. Most online instructions I found are for when you use a dedicated hostname for your server, whereas I am wanting to just run it from an aliased URL. It took me a while to figure out what I needed to add to the appropriate server block. A working config is below. It assumes the root directory is not set at the server block level.

        location ~ ^/tt-rss/.*\.php$ {
            root /usr/local/www;
            fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $request_filename;
            fastcgi_index  index.php;
            include        fastcgi_params;

        location /tt-rss/ {
            root /usr/local/www;
            index index.php;
  • service nginx reload
  • Visit the site. If it goes straight to the feed reader, no upgrades were needed. If you have trouble and keep getting "primary script unknown" errors, consult Martin Fjordvald's excellent blog post covering all the possibilities.
  • Edit config.php again and unset SINGLE_USER_MODE.
  • Visit the site and log in. All should be well.

Distributed computing projects

This is a tale of failure. None of the projects supported by BOINC have native support for armv6 processors. This includes my longtime favorite, So it's not an option to run these on the BeagleBone Black right now.

Nevertheless, here are the notes I started taking when I tried to get something working:

I like to run the client on all my machines, but it is not open-source, and there are no builds for ARMv6 on FreeBSD yet.

Ordinarily you can run the client through BOINC with the Moo! Wrapper, but this doesn't work either. Here's the general idea with BOINC, though:

Install BOINC and start the client:

  • portmaster net/boinc – this will install several dependencies, including Perl. In the 'make config' screens for those, I generally disable docs & examples, X11, NLS (for now), and IPv6 (for now). When installing Perl, I chose to disable 64bit_int because it says "on i386".
  • echo boinc_client_enable="YES" >> /etc/rc.conf
  • service boinc-client start — there's a bug in the port; it writes the wrong pid to the pidfile, so subsequent 'service' commands will fail
  • Create account on the BOINC project page you're interested in
  • Go to your account info on that page and click on Account Keys
  • Create ~boinc/account_whatever.xml as instructed. Put the account key (not weak key) in a file, e.g. ~boinc/whatever.key.
  • boinccmd --project_attach `cat ~boinc/whatever.key`
  • tail -f ~boinc/stdoutdae.txt — this is the log

Blast! Look what comes up in the log: This project doesn't support computers of type armv6-pc-freebsd

None of the projects I tried (Moo!, SETI@Home, Enigma@Home) are supported. So I went ahead and commented out the boinc_client_enable line in /etc/rc.conf and manually killed the boinc-client process.

I later filed a freebsd-armv6 client port request at